John Cockerill India Limited an ISO 9001:2015 engineering company was incorporated on May 28, 1986. The Belgian group Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie (CMI) now known as John Cockerill completed the acquisition in June 2008. John Cockerill India is the Indian entity of John Cockerill Group.
‘John Cockerill India Limited.’ John Cockerill Industry’s Indian hub and center of excellence for cold rolling mill complexes, is the world leader in the conception, manufacture, and installation of reversible cold rolling mills. It has developed a wide range of technologies in the field of processing lines, rolling mills, thermal and chemical processes. It also supplies auxiliary steel treatment equipment. John Cockerill India offers the entire product portfolio of John Cockerill Industry and is coordinating the whole range of its activities including, but not limited to local engineering, sourcing and manufacturing. As an international specialist in industrial processes and technologies, John Cockerill Industry designs, supplies and modernizes cold rolling mills, processing lines, chemical and thermal treatment installations for the steel and the non-ferrous industry, as well as state-of-the-art heat treatment technologies for the aviation, forging and casting industry, and hydrometallurgical processes for the extraction of ores.
John Cockerill India complements John Cockerill’s strategy for growth with minimal overlaps in products and a versatile range of technology synergies. John Cockerill India is a preferred partner to supply thousands of innovative solutions for clean, reliable and efficient equipments worldwide.